Friday, February 18, 2011

Doing my part to save the environment

The other day I was cleaning and thought about can one person really make a difference? So I worked out how much plastic I am saving the environment by re using my cleaning spray bottles. Since the cleaning products I use are concentrated, I just add water and I re use the same bottle over and over. Me, just myself I have saved 75 plastic bottles just in 12 months alone! That is lets put this into a bigger 10 years that would be 750 less plastic bottles going to the landfills! WOW! One person does make a difference...

Lets go more is estimated there are about 935,000 households in Orange County California, so if each household switched to green products we could save about 70 Billion plastic bottles in just 12 months! That's a lot of plastic! Common everyone...get on the bandwagon!

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