Thursday, March 10, 2011


Oh yuck...I just read the article about the 7 most germiest places in public and needles to say I was horrified. Top of the list shopping cart handles!! Oh dear, don't want to elaborate on what they find on those, needles to say people don't wash their hands after using the restroom! I think I am going to hand carry my natural spray bottle of eco-friendly disinfectant and spray all the carts I come in contact with! No wonder we are all getting so sick this winter.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

junk mail

This is funny I never thought of junk mail as a huge waste!! I just read on one of my mom's groups that all that junk mail ends up in a landfill somewhere where it sits for a long time.  There is a way to actually stop it. So I am taking up the challenge to lighten my mailbox!! I am going to consider it part of my spring green cleaning!!!